Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Kids

When I communicate with people from home they usually ask me how the kids are doing with all of the transitions. And to that question I can honestly respond that they are doing amazing. They are very resilient and demonstrate to us all the time how to make the most out of any situation. We find ourselves learning from them often. But as I was pondering this post today, I was sitting by the pool with the kids. And I watched how amazingly friendly they were to strangers in the pool. Each child has grown from this experience, but in the area of social skills they have progressed quickly. They have learned to talk to new people, invite children to play on the playground and introduce themselves to anyone. Just today the girls and I walked to Wal-Mart (across the street from the apartment). I watched as Mya waved to all the cars at the stoplight while we walked across the intersection. She was just being genuinely friendly. Although I had to chuckle at the sight. We are all racing to get across the street and here is Mya spending her time waving to all the cars. Friendliness is the word that I would name as the biggest blessing that our kids have received. When we left Ashland last May, Mya was the child who barely spoke at preschool. She has been forever have the other two. Thank you God for enriching our children's lives this year!

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