Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I had to laugh because I saw a quote on Facebook that fits our situation so well. And it relates to my previous post titled "transition." The quote is....."People love change, they just don't like transition." That is so true. The transition of moving is what causes the most stress. There are so many unknowns and so many details to iron out. Once those things are in order the actual change isn't bad at all. In fact, I love what we are doing and I love the adventure part of it. If we wouldn't have done this we wouldn't have seen this part of the world. It has been a wonderful experience so far. And I can finally say that I am excited about our move. Change is good...transition can be hard.

Tomorrow, Mya and I are taking a trip to Stockton to deliver a load of stuff to the apartment. We are also going to be there when the furniture arrives. Dan orchestrated the furniture rental and was able to talk them down in price. Today he finalized those details. It will feel good to unload and organize and get things set up. We already have plans to attend our friend's church on Sunday and then have lunch with them. Things all came together. And tomorrow...I get to take Mya to get her ears pierced on our way home from Stockton. She decided on her own so we will see if she will follow through with it. Hopefully I will get pictures of the apartment on the blog soon.

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