Thursday, July 14, 2011

Real Nostalgia

I had a good laugh today with my dad on the phone when he was telling me that he read my post, titled Nostalgia, and was eagerly anticipating my talk of how much we are missing our family and friends at home. When in fact all I talked about was missing my hard wood floors. At the time, amidst the puking, that is what I missed the most. But it goes without saying that we get homesick for our family and friends much more than we do the floors in our house. This post is in honor of my conversation with Dad as we shared a good laugh over his observation. But honestly, it is important for you all to know how much we miss you. Your love and support while we are away keeps us going. We await the day when we get to come back home. At the same time, we are living life here and loving it. We feel "at home" here in Porterville as Dan plugs away working very hard at his job. I have to boast on Dan for a minute because he got a phone call from his recruiter last week who sang his praises. The recruiter had talked to the hospital where Dan is working and they expressed how pleased they are with his work. They love him so much that they have offered to keep him on longer. So if his recruiter doesn't find a higher paying contract when this one is done, then it looks like we might be staying here for an additional 3 months. That takes us to the first week of December. We should know more by next month. In the meantime, we are liking our adventures and our location.

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