Monday, June 25, 2012

The Travelling Family

I can't believe that in four sleeping nights we will be on the road home.  The girls count sleeping nights when they are looking forward to doing something.  That makes the most sense to them.  In college, I had a roommate who counted sleeping nights until she was able to see her boyfriend.  I guess that concept stuck with me and I carried it on to my kids.  The apartment is a disaster right now as I unload every cupboard and closet and clean in every nook and cranny.  I am getting good at doing this.  But this time it is much more exciting.  We have plans to leave around noon on Friday and drive as far as we can until night.  Then we will get a hotel and set out the next morning to drive all day.  We will arrive in Breckenridge, CO sometime Saturday evening.  On Sunday, we are going to spend the day with our friends who live in Denver.  We haven't seen them in a very long time so we are excited. We hope to stay in Colorado for a couple days and then finish the second half of our drive home.  There might be a chance that we can meet Dan's recruiter on the way home too.  So we will arrive in Ashland some time next week.....not quite sure when.  It is kind of fun to not have a schedule while travelling.  When we drove out here we were on quite a time crunch.  However, my only stipulation is that we are home by Saturday the 7th because I have a hair appointment scheduled.  And that is of dire importance!!!

1 comment:

  1. you're so funny, Julie :) can't wait to see you and have a fun trip heading East <3 rhonda
