Sunday, March 25, 2012

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

We had a frustrating weekend apartment searching. Both of us are struggling with our current situation because we have to come to terms with the fact that cost of living in Dublin is very high. We saw a lot of apartments and spent both days in the car driving around Dublin and Hayward. We kept striking out on apartment availability. The toughest part was that we had a lot of questions for Dan's recruiter and we weren't able to get in contact with him all weekend. He was not reachable by phone which is unusual. Here it is Sunday night and we still have not heard from him. We have a few prospects of places to live, but we are waiting to talk to the recruiter before we make any decisions. We kept praying for God to make it clear to us where He wants us but we feel kind of mucky with where that might be. A big part of the decision making process involves how close we want to live to the train that Dan would need to take to work every morning. If we live far away, then he would either need to get a bike or the girls and I would have to get up very early every morning and take him to the station. The closer you live to the station the higher the cost of living. We searched both Dublin and Hayward and the surrounding areas. Our heads are spinning and we are excited to settle in for the night. We have high hopes that Dan can talk to his recruiter in the morning and we might have some answers very soon. Once be continued!

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