Sunday, April 28, 2013


Yesterday was one of those "perfect" days for me.  I know there really aren't perfect days, but it was pretty close.  I started with the race in the morning, breakfast with my family, spread mulch with Dan, got my hair done and went on a date with three other couples in the evening.  The date night was like no other.  We went square dancing!

When we came back from California we joined up with a new Sunday school class.  We really enjoy the class.  From day one we have felt very comfortable and we enjoy the couples in that class so much.  A few weeks ago one of the girls in class sent an email out inviting us to try square dancing at Malabar Farm.  So we joined up with some couples and ventured into a new experience.  We ate at Malabar Inn for dinner and then promptly arrived for our 7:00 square dancing session.  The barn was full....and luckily it was full of inexperienced dancers.  The lady singing and calling the moves was wonderful with us.  She had a great sense of humor and enjoyed watching all of our mess ups.  As the evening progressed we started to call ourselves experts.  Once we got the promenade and swing move down we were good to go.   Last night we did something new and fun and exciting and it was so good for me and Dan.  It was a time when we laughed for the evening and forgot about all other stresses.  We simply enjoyed each other's company.

But here was the best part....sort of a lesson for the evening. I made an observation that just warmed my heart.  As we did the dances we would start with our spouse as our partner.  But as the dances progress you often switch partners around the circle until you return to your original partner.  One particular dance had one girl swing with each man around the circle and then she would return "home" to her spouse. And then the next girl would do the same thing until we each had a turn. I watched as this was going on.  I watched as the girl would dance with the other men and find her way back to her spouse.  I watched the body movements and facial expressions as she found her way back to her spouse.  And when she finally got "home" and made physical contact with her spouse, you could see her relax and become herself again in his arms.  As couples, they each had a unique way of fitting together.  You could see that she felt like she was finally "home."  It was the neatest thing.  And I experienced that too.  Each time I found my way back to Dan I felt like I was where I was supposed to be.  His smell, his physique and the way he held me told me that I was back in my comfort zone.  It was good to feel that and know that God uniquely designed marriage so we can experience that with our spouse.

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