Monday, June 11, 2012


The day after I wrote the blog post about Mya's sleeping concerns we decided to let Mya and Sara sleep together. We weren't sure how that would work, but Mya loves to have a warm body in her bed. So we went with it. She has done wonderful since then! In fact, she is the one who falls to sleep right away. She has her Jim Brickman playing on the IPad on the nightstand and her Sara in her bed. She is content. The only reason I was ever having her take naps was because she slept few hours at night, woke up extremely early and had dark circles under her eyes. This wasn't everyday, but it happened a couple times a week. Mya quit taking naps at 3 years she has never been a sleeper. And typically she watches a movie or reads books during nap time. But I started to get concerned with her body not getting the rest it needed so that is when the nap struggles started. But it looks like we have a solution for now! Of course it reminds me of when I was little. I slept with my sister until I was in high school, I think. I embarrassing! Even though I had my own room, I still had to sleep with her. Poor thing! I annoyed her and talked to her and did obnoxious things until I fell asleep at night. It must have been torture for her, but it was so good for me. Hopefully Mya doesn't do the same thing to Sara. Although, it might be Sara bothering Mya because Mya falls to sleep so fast now. Time will tell!

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