I thought I would catch everyone up on the past six months of activity with our family. We got home from California on July 4th and that night experienced our first thunderstorm. We hadn't heard one in a very long time. It was marvelous! The rest of the summer was fun because the kids got to swim often. In the Fall we celebrated two birthdays. Chloe turned 2 and Mya turned 6 years old. Mya desperately wanted a party at Chuck E Cheese so we granted her that wish. She had so much fun in the overstimulating environment. It is wild in that place. Then before Thanksgiving we started with the cold and flu in our house. We all got chest colds first. Dan and I had trained to run a half marathon and had to pull out the day before. We were so sad about that. It has been a while since we have been able to run a race together. After we recovered from the colds....we got hit with the flu. One day I started with a random cough and felt kind of funny. I was up all night coughing. Then I started with the fever and body aches. I was in bed for three days. Luckily I was sick over the weekend so Dan was able to take care of me and the girls. After I got the flu, Chloe got it and the next day Sara got it and the next day Mya got it. It was a long two weeks of being stuck inside. But finally Christmas came and we were all healthy. We had a wonderful Christmas together. Each year it is more fun because the girls understand the holiday and of course enjoy the presents. We feel so blessed!

Chloe turned 2!
Mya turned 6!
Catching tickets at Chuck E Cheese
Halloween princesses
Halloween ladybug
Christmas 2012
Modeling dresses made by my dear friend in California
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