Monday, June 10, 2013

Words of Wisdom

My husband....he is a wise man when giving me advice on my life.  He might not be a verbal processor as much as me, but when he does speak he has good things to say.  I have learned over the years to be patient and wait for him to share his heart.  And I am still learning to listen to his advice instead of trying to figure everything out myself.

Last week I found out that I had the opportunity to meet the actual Green Smoothie Girl ( Her name is Robyn Openshaw and it has been a dream of mine to meet her. Funny thing is that when I went to my first essential oil class I happened to meet one of Robyn's smoothie coaches....the same woman teaching the oil class.  So when I decided to join the essential oil business I joined the right team.  We sell for doTerra, but we are endorsed by Robyn and her green smoothie business.   The classes that I teach combine oils and smoothies and I am actually a team under Robyn.  I met the right people.  I tried so hard to rearrange my schedule so I could join my team in having lunch with Robyn in Cincinnati.  It just wouldn't work and I couldn't understand why. I came home after a meeting that night and sat down with Dan to talk about my frustrations and my schedule.  He told me that I needed to set good boundaries and accept the fact that it just wasn't going to work out for me right now.  He said that by waiting and accepting the circumstances I might find that an even better opportunity will arise down the road.  I agreed with him, but I was still determined to find a way to make it work.  So the next day I made phone calls and tried hard to change my schedule around, but it wasn't working.  I finally submitted to the process and decided to accept Dan's advice.  I felt so peaceful about it. Fast forward a week later and at a team meeting my leader told me that in July there is another opportunity for me to have a PRIVATE lunch with Robyn.  I have to drive to Michigan, but I get to finally meet her and spend time with her.  I am beyond excited about this experience.  Dan was right, waiting brought about an even better opportunity.  I love my husband!

Random thought by Julie.....I love that my husband gave me our girls.  This picture just makes me so happy.

 And I love this one too!!!

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